
When you think of Vietnam, most people tend to think of communism, poverty, the war our country engaged in there in the 60’s …. But let me tell you God is working in Vietnam. We are privileged to partner with Promise Land Church in Vietnam, that was introduced to us by our organizational partner in Vietnam called Giving it Back to Kids. I want to encourage you today to pray for both our church and organizational partner.

Promise Land Church:

1. Pray for the ongoing training of leaders Pastor Vu oversees in Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang and Hanoi.

2. On Sunday night 2,000 people accepted Christ in Hanoi, pray for the follow up of these new believers and that they get connected with a solid church.

3. Pray for Cong (in the picture with Scott Davis) one of the leaders Vu has trained who is leading a new and growing church in Can Tho. Pray for wisdom, provision and insight in how to continue showing and sharing God’s love in this remote part of Vietnam.

Giving It Back To Kids:

1. Pray for their staff and team as they continue helping bring relief and rehabilitation to those who have been impacted/wiped out by the recent storms, & floods, that God would give them strength, wisdom and would provide the resources needed to practically help these families get re-established.

2. Pray for Robert, the leader of this ministry as he travels and brings leadership and encouragement to the staff and people in Vietnam.

3. Pray for the ongoing follow up of all Giving It Back To Kids work, distribution of wheelchairs, life saving heart surgeries for children, work in the orphanages and with unwed moms, typhoon relief & rehabilitation … that God’s love would clearly be connected to all that is being done.


Christmas Newsletter From Enlace


When I talk with my partners, they always emphasize prayer! In the underdeveloped part of the world they know the power of prayer, many times it is their only option and they have learned it is the Best Option. When they pray, they pray with more faith than we in our world of plenty can only hope to muster up. They have seen God answer their prayers in miraculous ways. So they always ask me, "are we praying for them?" "Will we pray for them?"

Please join me and our Impact Teams for each country in praying for our Partners.

This week please focus your prayer on India! I spoke with our partner this morning and he shared that we really need to pray for one of the boys in the orphanage name Andrew, who had tobe rushed to the local hospital... (Which let me tell you in pretty simple) and that he is fighting for his life due to pneumonia. The other children in the orphanage, the ministry students in training, and the community would all see God's glory should he pull through, please join us in prayer. Also, for Christmas, Albert and his family invite the community in for a "love feast". Please pray for those who come, many of whom will be Hindu. Pray that they will come to know the God of love who sent His son that very first Christmas. Pray also for the completion of Phase one of the ServLife Center, it should be done by March. They can then move onto their own land and begin to expand their ministry in the community. And finally, please pray for the 13 church planters and Albert, that God would help them learn all they need to be effective at planting new churches in places where there is no knowledge of God's love.

Thank you for joining in the support of our partners, it means the world to them and accomplishes more than any of us really understand.

In His Strength,

Ian Stevenson

Pastor of GO Ministries


Our Partner Church in Uganda is involved in making a real difference in their community! They covet our prayers as they continue looking for ways to bring more hope and healing to Rukingiri. Please pray for Edward Muhima his wife Vasta, their children Gideon, Sara, who are looking for work and Peter & Mark who are finishing up their education. Below are some of the things they are giving thanks for and would love for us to join with them in praying for. Let’s really partner with them by bringing these things before the Lord.

· Medical Centre
o Give thanks and praise
§ For the safe arrival of a container of surgical and other medical equipment .
§ For the new Clinical Officer who is a man of great integrity and who knows the profession well
§ The Health Centre Committee who are men and women of great vision for the Centre and who willingly give of themselves to see the Centre improve and upgrade
§ For the Committee Chairperson who works within the District Health Department.
o Pray for
§ The provision of a Surgical Ward. Some money has be promised, but more needs to come to be able to build the Surgical Ward
§ A new Administrator who has knowledge of the health system, and who will be responsible for ensuring that the Centre runs well and to see the upgrade come to fruition . Pray that the person will be a self starter and will be creative in thinking through concepts and in making proposals
§ For the Medical Centre to achieve the status appropriate to becoming a small rural Hospital. The application process must begin on December 7th 2009. There needs to be an Architectural drawing of what is proposed, for this meeting

· NOKIDES [North Kigezi Diocese Empowerment Scheme]
o Give thanks and praise
§ That this programme is an expression of love which empowers the recipients to generate an income, and improve their standard of living.
§ Pray that the personnel will grow spiritually as they see the practical love of God.
o Pray for
§ More personnel to assist in administering the growing scheme and ensuring that all groups are visited regularly to encourage them in their businesses, and to carry out ongoing training
· Mosaic Vision - This programme cares for total orphans with child headed households
o Give thanks and praise
§ For the transformation of the lives of the children and young people, as they receive care in relation to school fees, clothes, housing, health care and food
o Pray for
§ The Diocese to be able to pay for more children, as the need is huge and many have to be turned away. This breaks Edward’s heart as he has to say No he cannot help.
· WATSAN [Water and Sanitation]
o Give thanks and praise
§ For this ongoing programme of bringing water closer to the people.
§ For the “Friends of North Kigezi” UK who have provided water tanks for a community of 1000 people.
o Pray for
§ The work to be able to continue as there is a desire to have access to gravity fed water.
· Children with Disabilities programme - This programme deals with children with disabilities, deformities and mental disabilities. Some are given operations, and some receive Occupational Therapy. The programme also trains and assists families to care for the children
o Pray for
§ Those who are helping the families cope with the disabled family member
§ Those who are educating the communities that disability is not inability, nor a reason to reject the person or their families.

Thanks for supporting our partners with your prayers, it’s awesome to see how God is working in and through our partners throughout the world.

In His Strength,

Ian Stevenson

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