Hello all,
I again posted on the blog with an update from Ian.
As for the team in Rukingiri, Keri is only periodically sending SHORT texts but
the word is that GOD IS ROCKIN' Uganda---through our travelers and in the people
on the ground. In particular, as I mentioned in yesterday's update, Trudie
preached at a village church. Keri said that the Holy Spirit took over and
Trudie was on FIRE! People were throwin' out the AMENS which I have not seen
much of there and all were moved and connected with the Holy Spirit. You go
Trudie girl!
I can see it, feel it, smell it and taste it!!! What God does there is over the
top and what a blessing for this team to be apart of that!
Keri has also briefly mentioned 2 of the 5 children that my family sponsors and
says that they are doing AMAZING. Such great things in two years---as long as we
are patient, we see His hand in all, in His time!
As soon as I hear from her, I will communicate with you all! Until then, keep
the team, the people of Uganda, our partners in Uganda and the sweet children of
Uganda in your prayers!
In His Service,
Kelly Boaitey
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