In Kasese today, we spent the day finishing up a few things. First, we finished the second house that we built from the ground up with the students. Megan painted in a children's room at the Child Survival Program and we then had the closing ceremonies at the camp. The first part of the ceremony was very serious, with the local member of Parliament, the bishop in this area and the Minister of defense here to celebrate this work camp and all that has been done here. It really was amazing. These students truly are the future of this country. The minister of defense laid down a powerful challenge to the students and then invited them to his home tomorrow night, for dinner and to talk some more about their futures.

The second half of the closing ceremony was much more fun, with singing and lots of dancing. We all shared with the students and Steve led in a great closing where we gave them each a Stand Up, Stand Out bracelet. They exchanged them and affirmed each other. It was a powerful time. The time spent here has been a huge blessing to the students, to our team, to the community and to the Ugandan Compassion staff. It has not been easy. It is very hard work and the living conditions were very basic, tent camping. One of the compassion staff got malaria and another is sick as well. But, 500 people have come to know Christ; Four families have been blessed by having us either build them a home or repair their existing home; the local church now has a cement floor; the local Child Development Center has a new brick building and hundreds of high school students have been inspirrd to live a life of sexual purity. People all over this land have been encouraged just because we showed up.

Thank you all for praying us through it!

Tomorrow after church, we go to meet up with the rest of the team in Rukingiri.
