It is Megan Stevenson here! I just wanted to tell you about my day and what's been going on for me.
Today I got a chance to work in the kitchen at the worksite. At first it was a bit of a challenge because obviously, I do not know anything about cooking Ugandan food, but the students taught me so much. My friend Oshima cut tons of onions, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage and potatoes with me. My friend Diana showed me how to make Ugandan rice.
Some of the boys started slaughtering chickens and showed me the ovaries and intestines and waste sack and heart. They told me they needed 20 chickens for dinner and they wanted me to slaughter one. I was nervous at first but I just grabbed the wings and named my chicken Maria. We were waiting for Maria's turn to be cut up when a headless chicken got loose and was running around.
Now, of course, a chicken running around with no head would scare anyone. As I screamed and jumped back, everyone laughed at me. But, it was now Maria's turn. Benen stepped on it for me as I sawed off the head. Poor Maria! She flailed around as I cut through her neck, but it was over quick. It was a very exciting moment, and day, as a whole. I have learned so much from all these students in just two days. I can't wait to experience more amazing times these next days and witness the incredible work that God is doing in our lives, as well the lives of the people here.
Megan Stevenson
From Ian:
Good news! Cathy and Steve Cooper got back into camp today. Cathy is not sure if it was the ice cubes but she Is back to her cheerful, friendly self.
We finished working on two houses in the village with the LDP students. we also went to local high schools to talk about sexual purity. What a powerful time! At the crusade tonight, about 150 people accepted Christ. I'm telling you---- these sponsored students would blow you away! God has so transformed their lives and they are now mighty agents of change. God is using them in powerful ways! We are so honored to be in this with them .
Ian talked to the Rukingiri crew today. Keri says everyone, and she means everyone has been changed! Freeman met a little boy at the school today whose name is also Freeman and who has captured his heart. John met a mosaic boy who also captured his heart. Patrick took his team to the schools today and is making an impact and building a relationship with them. Somer, Brynn, and Janice are up for everything and as 'first timers', are being impacted by all they see. God is working powerfully through Trudy as people come out of the woodwork to be prayed for.
They had a big reception dinner at Bishop Edward and Vasta's place tonight and Keri says every single day God has shown up and is clearly working in and through each person on this team. Thanks for your prayers folks! They are clearly making a difference. Without you all this would not be possible. God is so good.
We love you all and I know that it is hard for you all to understand, but so do Ugandans because of the impact being made here.
Thanks again - Ian
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