The ministries activities our team was involved with today spread a wide net! It's a little overwhelming actually as I sit to write about today. I'd like to start by giving an overview of the activities for the day. Next, I'll tell you in more detail about the Compassion International Child Visits. Tomorrow more details of the great work will be posted for the other projects - and photos.
Activities for Today...
- Build Project
- Dentistry
- Haircuts
- Teen Outreach
- Women's Bible Study
- Neighborhood Home Visits
- Meeting Sponsored Children and their families
- Playing with Compassion International project children
Meeting Our Children
It's incredibly hard to put into words let alone summarize today's experience with meeting our sponsored children. The best way I can explain it is to tell you that the gratitude offered by these kids was one of the most genuine blessings I have ever received. Pat Detken and I were discussing how uncomfortable it was to sit and receive this gratitude when all we do is send $35 a month and write a few letters to a child. We agreed that we did not deserve this thanks from the kids but what was happening instead was that we were receiving the thanks for all sponsors. I feel that it's on us now to tell others that this investment in children's lives works.
The children we spent the day with, whether directly sponsored by member's of the team or not, were absolutely incredible. They were loving, open, intelligent, worthy, valuable, and beautiful precious gifts from God. I think I am forever changed by them.
Goodnight from El Salvador,
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