This was a long but ultimately rewarding day. There were two big events today that stretched us to our limits of patience as well as resources.
The first was this morning's Women's Social. This event has been talked up all over Las Delicias and the turn out was fantastic. When we arrived at the church it had been decorated already and there were many people waiting in anticipation for the event to begin. The women's team has done an amazing job reaching people this week. Our prayer is that this is the beginning of a wave of change here.
The Crossing, El Salvador
The second event was a Crossing style full blown church service, beginning to end. We practiced all afternoon and when the time came to give it up to God and just go for it, everyone rose to the occasion. The worship was fantastic, the testimonies were powerful, the skit was funny, and the sermon was impactful. Patrick impressed us all with a bi-lingual message doing the first and last 10 minutes speaking directly and plainly to the congregation about how God' love is shown to lost and hurting people in how we treat and love one another as believers. The team did more than could ever have been imagined at the outset of this trip, especially this late in the week when we're all running thin on patience. Everyone did their part and did it well, thanks team for a great night!
Tomorrow is the soccer tournament with 5 games on the schedule. We don't get much rest here. Hey, I've got an idea! Let's go to Costa Mesa on vacation next week. :-)
Goodnight from Central America...