Keri's love-note: You are beautiful, and the closer I get to God, the more I am confirmed of my life and eternal path with you. muah...I miss you much, but I am consoled by the wonderful God things happening here as well as my knowledge of God's plan for you in my life.
Today was filled with God, relationships, and lots of love.
The morning started early for me at 3:30am(I think I am still figuring out my circadian cycle (body clock). It was perfect it gave me as well as the rest of the guys plenty of down time for study, the word, prayer, and good conversation, before hurtling ourselves wholeheartedly at the Das household. We encounter so much and so many God moments, I have have Marty list a few and pull out the highlights for you all.
From Marty:
Most of the team was up around 6am... We had a full day filled with lots of tasks. First met with Albert for Breakfast, then an awesome church service. Tony played two worship songs on the guitar, Aaron shared his testimony, Trudy also shared a testimony, Ian preached, and prayed for Albert and Pushba since today is their 29th wedding anniversary. We annointed and prayed for the ministry students, and the entire church service was nearly three hours. We then went to the new property. It was moving to see how far the building has come since last year. We prayed and spent time encouraging Albert, thanking God for what He has provided. The highlight of the day for me and the team having lots of time with the children. We played board games with the children. There were lots of laughter, and many of the childen seemed so hungry for love, and nurture from each of us. We can truly see Jesus in the faces of these children. As a child would win at Yahtzee, Sorry, Aggrevation, Checkers, or Dominos, there faces would shine and glow with smiles. My favorite part is when the children sang praise and worship songs to their God, with faces turned heavenward, and the tangible presence of the love for Jesus was so evident. Probably the only real danger the team faced today was Aaron driving us to the new property, dodging bicycles, people, cows, goats, cars, trucks and even a duck. He actually did really well! Tomorrow is another full day as we plan to do a prayer-walk in the town of Raxaul. Please continue praying for the safety and good health of the team members.
In His Love,
The India Team
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