As we come to the end of 2009, I am reminded of what a year it has been for our partners in El Salvador, they have come up against challenges, and live and work in a reality that provides little opportunity, yet they press on in faith and God is working through them to bring hope and healing into their community. There is much we can learn from their character, faith, and hope.
Let’s pray for them today and thank God for such amazing people to work with in this part of the world.
1. Pray for Pastor Miguel as he continues to lead El Buen Samaritano Inglesia. His desire is to see them be able to continue reaching out to their community and create a safe place for anyone in the community to come and hear about God’s amazing love for them.
2. Pray for Pastor Miguel and the church as they continue taking the lead on the “Water Project” in their community that will bring fresh/clean water to over 10,000 people in their area. Also pray for God to provide the funding necessary to complete this project.
3. Pray for our organizational partner in El Slavador called Enlace, that God would provide for them as they continue empowering churches to impact their communities in the name of Jesus, that God would protect their staff and give them wisdom with each church in each community they are working.
4. Pray for our partnership in El Salvador that God would work through it to continue to help both the church in El Salvador and our church here in the U.S. become even better at reaching out to our communities, that we would learn from each other and serve each other in a dynamic, God honoring way.
This summer 27 people went to work with our partner in the community, check out the video.
Ian Stevenson
Pastor of GO Ministries
(949) 764-1521
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