Today half of the team went to visit sponsored children in two separate Compassion International projects. Those who went were all impacted in some way by the experience. While one part of the team visited the children sponsor, the other members took a day of R&R, starting with a trip to Enlace's offices, a visit to the San Salvador volcano, and ending with a shopping expedition.
Today we learned that the Compassion program in El Salvador has over 36,000 children being served in 160 Child Development centers across the country. To be accepted into the program, a family's combined must be no more than minimum wage, or about $210 a month. That's right--combined income. Some families we met today have no income, and are living off handouts from family members or friends. If you don't already know about this program, we encourage you to look into it, whether or not it is your intention to sponsor a child in poverty.
Let's let these pictures tell the rest of the story....
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