It was an amazing last day. We spent the entire day at the Servlife Center that is 95% done. The children, family and Pastors can not wait to move in. They tried as hard as possible for us to be able to stay there but it is very difficult to get contractors to show up here, it’s not like there are 10 plumbers to choose from, there is 1 and he comes when he wants to. But today was a glorious day as we played and ate and just spent tons of time with the children, family and pastors laughing, singing and just being together. I’m going to have Mike and Marty share with you their impressions.


Every day has been so full and exciting to see God working. We began today with morning team devotions. Tony shared about Elijah’s faith and how big our God is. We had an extended and moving time of prayer focusing on Albert, the Das family and the student pastors. We prayed prayers of faith, focusing on how great our God is and how His power can do far more than the power of darkness. As usual, breakfast was good and then the entire Servlife India proceeded to the new building and property. The second we arrived, the children began to run as hard as they could with huge smiles on their faces. We played games, “football”, cricket, and several other activities. At one point, a large bull wondered into the property and began running toward Trudi and Georgie. It was pretty comical to watch everyone scatter as the bull charged toward them and then turned to graze in the green grass. Pushpa (Albert’s wife) created fire pits out of bricks and mud and made Rice, Dahl, chicken, and potato salad. We ate until no one could eat anymore. It was a great time of celebration as we spent the entire day at the property having the first Servlife India picnic at the new facilities. Each of the team members had one on one time with the children, encouraging, praying, and giving hope.

Upon our return, I watched as Ian walked along the path back to the rented facilities where the ministry is currently housed. Two of the little girls eagerly walked holding Ian’s hands with smiles, laughter, and such joy. Upon our return, we prayed for Pushpa, due to pain in her back and her having some trouble with her right eye. When the prayer was completed, Pushpa excitedly stated ALL pain in her back instantly left her. It feels sad that our time is about to close with the Das family, Servlife, the children, the student pastors, and our time in Raxaul. But the night is not over. We will be gathering together with the Das family in a few minutes to have a special time of prayer and encouragement for the family and the ministry. Albert, Pushpa, Camillus, Paul, Tabitha and Abraham seem so very encouraged, uplifted and happy. Camillus told me that we are one of the best teams that visit them, and they feel so blessed and encouraged. The word I think that fits best for the Das family is REFRESHED. It feels great to encourage this family that labors in such a spiritually dark place. Definitely, I see a difference with the Das family’s countenance, from the first day the Crossing team arrived til today. Thanks for everyone’s prayers on the home front.

Please continue to pray for us as we begin our long journey back to US. Tomorrow morning we will board a 17 hour train ride to Kolkata, Then Monday we will travel to Dubai, Then Tuesday begin our flight to LAX, arriving Wednesday morning.


This has been an awesome day & a great way to end our visit. The new property is an incredible blessing. After a typical daily life of playing in their room or maybe a couple times per week up on the roof the children have a caged in feeling all of the time. To see them get to ‘cut loose’ & actually play outside ( inside the safety of the tall walls on this large property) was a huge blessing. All the activities mentioned above (it’s futbol Marty) kept them busy with smiles on all. It’ll be great to see the development of the rest of the orphanage, school, pastor training & church. The kids will get to play outside daily like our kids have always enjoyed. God is working here big time.

Thanks for all the support & God Bless, Mike