Saturday, August 11, 2012

Off to ElSalvador - DIfferent but The Same

This morning at 4:15 a.m. i met with 13 people ranging in age from 12 -50 to send them off to El Salvador. As I shared Philippians 2:1-11 with them, encouraging them in Christ to be united, to be one in Spirit, to not be selfish, or think of them selves as more important than anyone else, to have the same attitude as Christ, and leave all their right behind so they can serve like He did, it was so cool!!!!!

As I looked around the circle and saw a crew of people so diverse yet so the same. A junior high boy with a mom from Nicaragua and a dad from Washington, a couple of ext drug addicts, the son of a missionary, a dentist, a termite inspector, a builder an insurance agent, a mom, a high tech, high powered sales woman, a real estate agent, a high young man getting ready to enter high school, a college student and a guy who works at an oil refinery, they were brown, white, tall, short, all from different backgrounds and life experiences. They could not be more different, yet they really are the same. They all have come to know that they need Jesus in their lives, to forgive their sins and lead their lives. They all desire to show and share God's love with others, they all have chosen to invest their time, their talent and their resources to do just that!!! They all have people they love they have left behind them and who are supporting them as they GO!!! They all could use our prayers as they GO and our encouragement as they come home. They all are taking a risk, stepping out in faith and they all are a great example to others no matter who you are and where you come from of how God can work in and through a life. I am blessed to work with such people.

Pray with me for Dawn & James as they lead this team. Pray for the team and our partners in El Salvador that as they work together in the community people would experience the love of Jesus in a very real way.

In His Strength,
