GOing means caring about others. So often we walk through life just going through the motions. The Street Team is all about helping people learn how to live life “caring” about others by intentionally walking the streets. It's amazing what you see when you walk, instead of drive, or ride. Every Thursday night at 6:30 you will find a small band of people meeting and praying for a few minutes before they hit the streets to exercise their care muscles.
While out there they will intentionally look for opportunities to Pray, Relate, Assist & Invite. They've found this exercise makes a huge difference in how they walk through every day life.
When I can make it to the street team and walk the streets, I find myself more dialed in to those around me, in my neighborhood, in my work world and in my life in general. I am more apt to make the effort to care. Everyone should experience The Street Team once in a while to keep their care muscles toned up.