Buenas Noches.. from San Salvador, El Salvador.. As the Lord strikes thunder around our hotel, I have the opportunity to share how HE has shared HIS glory here in El Salvador today. Initially, this trip was planned to GO globally to serve Him, however, I did not know the depth or the capacity He would ask me or us to serve. Have you ever seen light reflecting off of a rain drop? This is best way to describe the beauty of the El Salvadorian people. Each one has such beauty that goes beyond themselves. This alone is pushing our team to a new level of unity and passion for the people here.
Above is a picture of many different hands working together, playing the "cup" song.. To me this photo represents God having the whole world in His hands... There is not one place that He is not present here.
Today, was the most impacting day so far. I was honored to deliver a Compassion gift to Pastor Randy and Kim's sponsored child, Gabriela. After presenting a backpack filled with generous gifts, I had the pleasure of receiving a token of love from Gabriela for Pastor and Kim. Personally, what broke me was knowing that El Salvador is a glimpse of the life I possibly would be living today if I wasn't adopted from Costa Rica. WOW!! I just can't explain it right now. I'm still processing.
Below is precious Gabriela. She knows she is prayed for, is loved, and will be taught the HOPE in Jesus through Compassion. Their hearts can not be contained inside of them because they give relentlessly. Gabriela showed up for her back pack, and in turn brought her own surprise.. Which I will wait to show Pastor when I return. Sponsoring children goes beyond words...
Please continue to pray for the Compassion Team, Youth Leadership Team, Women's Ministry Team, Enlace, Compassion Children, Pastor Miguel and staff, and any children waiting for a sponsor, the local schools and high school, and the Water Project.
Con Amor, Amiga Carmen..