When you think of Vietnam, most people tend to think of communism, poverty, the war our country engaged in there in the 60’s …. But let me tell you God is working in Vietnam. We are privileged to partner with Promise Land Church in Vietnam, that was introduced to us by our organizational partner in Vietnam called Giving it Back to Kids. I want to encourage you today to pray for both our church and organizational partner.

Promise Land Church:

1. Pray for the ongoing training of leaders Pastor Vu oversees in Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang and Hanoi.

2. On Sunday night 2,000 people accepted Christ in Hanoi, pray for the follow up of these new believers and that they get connected with a solid church.

3. Pray for Cong (in the picture with Scott Davis) one of the leaders Vu has trained who is leading a new and growing church in Can Tho. Pray for wisdom, provision and insight in how to continue showing and sharing God’s love in this remote part of Vietnam.

Giving It Back To Kids:

1. Pray for their staff and team as they continue helping bring relief and rehabilitation to those who have been impacted/wiped out by the recent storms, & floods, that God would give them strength, wisdom and would provide the resources needed to practically help these families get re-established.

2. Pray for Robert, the leader of this ministry as he travels and brings leadership and encouragement to the staff and people in Vietnam.

3. Pray for the ongoing follow up of all Giving It Back To Kids work, distribution of wheelchairs, life saving heart surgeries for children, work in the orphanages and with unwed moms, typhoon relief & rehabilitation … that God’s love would clearly be connected to all that is being done.