Women's Team

Women of The Good Samaritan Church raised money to put a tile floor into the church.  They told our team an amazing story of raising the funds which would rival any capital campaign we'd see at home.  The floor is yet unfinished because all the funds needed to complete the work were not available.  They are short $300.  Our team is hoping to partner later in the week with the local women to raise the funds needed to finish the floor.  Our team is so excited to work within the context of the local economy.

During the visits that the women made to the local homes near the church a wonderful story of community development was shared.  A man with a good heart wanted to bless the church so he donated high quality corn seed and fertilizer for some local farmers.  One very poor family said that for the first time in several years, this crop will be able to yield enough corn to feed their family for 6 months!  Even more impressive the church didn't just choose Christian families, they went to those in greatest need. 

Men's Team

The men were fully expecting to make friends with the local men on the work project and were prepared to share snacks and coffee each day and a time of fellowship.  However, the project has turned out slightly differently with the latrines being built directly on each families home site.  The guys are responsible for digging pits that when complete will measure approximately 3ft x 4ft x 11ft deep!  It's going to be an interesting project...

Kid's Team
This year's topic of Friendship was in full swing at the school when the team gave a message to the kids encouraging them to value true friendships. At the end we made friendship bracelets along with the kids - which was a huge hit.

Dr. Borgman continued to provide such a valuable service to this community through the practice of her profession.   She performed cleanings as well as much needed tooth extractions.