Hello all,

Georgie led our devotion time this morning on Mark 9:17-29 focusing on verse 24 “I do believe, but help me with my unbelief.” Tony had prepared our hearts with some awesome worship songs and the Holy Spirit moved as we shared on all we saw yesterday on our way here and even what we felt as we arrived. It was an awesome start to the day!!!

Then we went over to the ServLife Center. This is our partner in Raxaul. We have been partnering with the Calvary Church in Raxaul to complete this building project. I(Ian) had my first driving experience in India. As some bounced around in the back of the truck we plowed our way through the puddles and mud and navigated our way through the potholes and got as close to the new property as we could and walked the last quarter mile.

As we walked through the gate, the 5 of us who were here last year were blown away by what we saw. We shared the story of how we partnered with them to acquire this land, build the wall around it and the building we were now looking at. Albert shared the master plan for the property and then we got a tour of the building that is about 95% complete, it is just waiting for the final touches on the plumbing and electric before everyone can move in. You really have to be here to understand the difference it will make for this move to finally happen. The current building they are renting is surrounded on all four sides by Hindu Temples, it has very few windows and is very dark on the inside, it feels like a box or even a cage to some degree. The area at this rented place is directly off a main road, there is nowhere for the kids to really play outside except on the roof/patio. This new center will provide them with not only a home that is full of windows and light but a huge walled in piece of property to run and play.

For the full vision of this place to be complete there are numerous phases to go through. Just getting onto this land and having this facility will give the church here a much better opportunity to invite others in and reach out to the surrounding community!

This afternoon we spent about 3 hours with the children. We presented them with gifts from their sponsors, taught them a few songs, played all kinds of games with them, connected with their unique personalities and enjoyed all the amazing smiles. Steve and Mike made balloon hat creations, Tony played Bible trivia with some of the pastors in training, I headed up Candyland, Georgie made bracelets and necklaces with the girls, Christine took photos and went from place to place, while Trudy spent time with Alberts wife and daughter praying for them, ministering to them and blessing them.

In the early evening we spent a few hours with a couple that pastor Albert is training, hearing their stories, dreams and what they are learning and hoping to do when they are done with their training. We were especially inspired as one 18 year old shared the vision God has given him for Nepal. He told us how his Hindu family came to Christ after he was healed at age 13 through the prayers of a pastor. This young man spoke with such passion, and zeal he was animated and totally pumped about where he felt God is leading him. I think it got us all thinking about where we are when it comes to our passion, vision and commitment to serving God and believing he can do great things if we just have the faith to step out and GO for it.

It has been a great day!!
Ian Stevenson