
This was a long but ultimately rewarding day. There were two big events today that stretched us to our limits of patience as well as resources.

Women's Social

The first was this morning's Women's Social. This event has been talked up all over Las Delicias and the turn out was fantastic. When we arrived at the church it had been decorated already and there were many people waiting in anticipation for the event to begin. The women's team has done an amazing job reaching people this week. Our prayer is that this is the beginning of a wave of change here.

The Crossing, El Salvador

The second event was a Crossing style full blown church service, beginning to end. We practiced all afternoon and when the time came to give it up to God and just go for it, everyone rose to the occasion. The worship was fantastic, the testimonies were powerful, the skit was funny, and the sermon was impactful. Patrick impressed us all with a bi-lingual message doing the first and last 10 minutes speaking directly and plainly to the congregation about how God' love is shown to lost and hurting people in how we treat and love one another as believers. The team did more than could ever have been imagined at the outset of this trip, especially this late in the week when we're all running thin on patience. Everyone did their part and did it well, thanks team for a great night!

Tomorrow is the soccer tournament with 5 games on the schedule. We don't get much rest here. Hey, I've got an idea! Let's go to Costa Mesa on vacation next week. :-)

Goodnight from Central America...


Today's entry will be focused on the highlights of our ministry activities as well as a preview of the tomorrow. I may not be able to blog tomorrow because we are having diner at Pastor Miguel's house and it may be quite late before we return. So, if you don't see a post just know that we are alright.

An Answered Prayer

The most talked about event of the day was how God answered yesterday's prayer regarding our Salvadorian Super Star, Marina and her disabled son. The guys were brainstorming yesterday how to replace the young man's wheel chair because the one he was using was decimated. Ideas ranged from having one brought from the US by an Enlace employee who is there right now to buying one in downtown San Salvador. God out did all of these ideas! Miguel on our team was going to go look for the chair in town when he ran into a woman for whom he had purchased a wheel chair 3 years ago. Miguel stopped to talk with her and ask about her disabled son. As Miguel told her what he was up to, she took him to 3 unused wheelchairs she had stored there because others had given her a chair as well. This woman lives a short walking distance from Marina yet the need has gone unmet for years. The woman gladly gave Miguel the chair and our prayer's were answered less than 24 hours later.

Thursday's Activities

Other happenings of note were another day of working with the kids from the local school. Today was the best day for this activity yet as James and the team have learned a lot each day about how to reach these kids. Next year's activities will be geared around what worked this year so we're happy to have found some success. More haircuts were given and lots of teeth were pulled today as well. Both of these ministry's have blessed the community because of their great need. Thanks go to Alicia and Jamie for their hard work and dedication in these areas. The women's team reported a breakthrough today. One local woman said that today was the first time in her Christian walk that she has experience fellowship. She wasn't even sure what it was supposed to be like because it was so foreign to her. The girls are literally walking the local women through how to live in Christian Community together. In order to grow the church the bible tells us "They will know you by your love for one another". Our continued prayer is that the women of Las Delicias would be known for their love. In the afternoon, the women went out on home visits again and were able to bless those in the community with blankets made by children from Kidzone at The Crossing. Way to go Kidzone! The impact of your work is being felt thousands of miles away.

"The Crossing Church - El Salvador"

Tomorrow may end up being the most exciting day yet and I think I can speak for the entire team when I say we're pumped up about it. Pastor Miguel has given over the entire church service for Friday evening to The Crossing. We organized our roles last night and I guarantee that no one living in Las Delicias has ever attended a service such as the one we're planning. We are trying to bring as much of The Crossing here as possible. We have assemble a creative arts team to perform a skit, a worship team, greeters, an announcer/m.c., a translator, sound & video, and a message from Patrick that hits straight to the heart of what we desire for these people and what they need - true community.

Please be praying for us tomorrow as we prepare and deliver these exciting service. We will need your prayers throughout the day to cover the set up time in the morning, the rehearsal in the afternoon, and then the service which starts at 4:30 (Pacific Time, 5:30 here in El Salvador). So on your way home from work tomorrow, please, please pray we are reaching the people with our message of unity, love, and friendship with each other.


Today some illnesses threatened to stop the team's ability to serve the community according to our plan. Even though we were down by 2 everything planned for today was executed. Praise God for a large team this year! Here's a rundown by activity.

Build Project

The story I kept hearing was about a 62 year old woman who was able to "out work" every man on our team! When a worker picked up a shovel to mix cement on the ground, she gave him 15 seconds before pushing him out of the way as she took over. I think she has a special place in her heart for Jeff Costa. When Jeff asked her if she would like to take a break and have an Ice Cream she looked up and said, "Otra Vez, Jeff?" which means "Again, Jeff?". The men can't say enough about the special nature of this Salvadorian Super Hero named Marina. Marina has been working on the water project for 5 years, every day, as a volunteer! When she's through working on the project she returns to the 6 foot by 10 foot tin "hot box" she calls home to take care of her son with physically and mentally disabled son. Her story, while heartbreaking, is massively inspiring.

Haircut School

Jamie was able to both cut hair today as well as teach some local women. Jamie's dedication to ministering to these people was evident in that she was not feeling well AT ALL. By the end of the day things were looking up and in between people were blessed by her commitment to sharing both the love of Jesus and her trade skills.


Dr. Alicia Borgman performed her second day of dental work on local children. It's not pretty but usually, very necessary. I helped carry some of the equipment to the truck this morning and remarked to her husband Jim that the 1 hp shop vac for suction probably wasn't up to health code in the U.S.! He replied, "No, but out here it's what works". Many, if not all, of these kids have never been to a dentist. Alicia and her assistants are doing a great job managing stressful situations!

Children & Pre-Teens

The Children's Team spent their second day of three at a Christian School in the community. The kids go to school in two sessions, morning and afternoon, and our team was recess for the the day. Each grade will have one opportunity to be with us during the week. Today we gave a lesson on building a firm foundation by using the game Jenga followed by hot potato and the most rowdy game of musical chairs I have ever seen!

Women's Ministries
Today the women's team demonstrated how to serve one another by providing hand massages. They have been spending time daily with a group of about 15 women all week and Lisa Bryan says they are making progress towards breaking down relational walls among the group. The women are all neighbors in a very small community but attend two different churches. Under normal circumstances they might not even be speaking let alone sharing their stories and asking for prayer from one another. Let's pray God continues to bless this process long after our departure. After lunch all of the women went shopping for the social to be held this Friday and even stopped to enjoy ice cream.


The ministries activities our team was involved with today spread a wide net! It's a little overwhelming actually as I sit to write about today. I'd like to start by giving an overview of the activities for the day. Next, I'll tell you in more detail about the Compassion International Child Visits. Tomorrow more details of the great work will be posted for the other projects - and photos.

Activities for Today...
- Build Project
- Dentistry
- Haircuts
- Teen Outreach
- Women's Bible Study
- Neighborhood Home Visits
- Meeting Sponsored Children and their families
- Playing with Compassion International project children

Meeting Our Children
It's incredibly hard to put into words let alone summarize today's experience with meeting our sponsored children. The best way I can explain it is to tell you that the gratitude offered by these kids was one of the most genuine blessings I have ever received. Pat Detken and I were discussing how uncomfortable it was to sit and receive this gratitude when all we do is send $35 a month and write a few letters to a child. We agreed that we did not deserve this thanks from the kids but what was happening instead was that we were receiving the thanks for all sponsors. I feel that it's on us now to tell others that this investment in children's lives works.

The children we spent the day with, whether directly sponsored by member's of the team or not, were absolutely incredible. They were loving, open, intelligent, worthy, valuable, and beautiful precious gifts from God. I think I am forever changed by them.

Goodnight from El Salvador,


The work has begun in earnest here in Central America. Click on this blog link to see more details...


Planning the Week's Activities
This morning we were hosted at a Christian Retreat Center to meet with the water project leaders as well as members of The Good Samaritan Church who will be serving with us throughout the week. We broke into groups based on activity and spent time planning and getting to know one another. There was a spirit of cooperation and excitement for the work to be done with many opportunities taking shape. The retreat center had an amazingly beautiful view across a valley to a distant lake, backed by a volcano. On site was a fun filled pool area as well as a mini petting zoo complete with Jeff Costa's long lost miniature brother! This monkey really liked Jeff.

Interesting Transportation

There are many ways to get around in El Salvador but one of the most popular is to ride in the back of a pick up truck. Several of our kids were "fortunate" enough to get to ride all day in the bed of a pick up and this experience was said to be the highlight of the trip so far. The kids interacted with the locals giving friendly waves and shouts of "Hola!". One local family redefined our understanding of carpooling by going 4 up on a motorcycle. Another family we saw kept it old school with a pair of "equally yoked" oxen to pull their wagon. But nothing was as odd as the compact pick up truck with a single passenger in the bed, a horse. To be sure, there is always something new to see here on the roads of El Salvador.

Water Project Tour
After breakfast a large group of us were escorted around the area to tour the water project. Many Crossing members were excited to see the progress made since their previous trips. The men of the water committee are very proud of this project and were happy to show it off. The wells that have been installed go down over 100 meters where they connect with an aquifer capable of putting out 300+ gallons per minute for over 20 years. They estimate one well will deliver enough water for 12,000 people for 20-25 years.

Church Service
At the end of the day we attended the Good Samaritan Sunday Service. It was fantastic to see the passion for Jesus Christ that is displayed here. They really make the best of the resources they have and even though most of the team didn't understand what was being said, we were moved nonetheless. Patrick was the guest speaker tonight and in typical Crossing style he displayed a authentic openness and vulnerability in his message. Sometimes it's the simple things that make the biggest impact. Earlier in the day while the water project tours were happening a number of team members stayed behind and helped with the children's ministry activities at the church. As part of this ministry about 80-90 children are fed lunch every Sunday. Our team had the opportunity to serve the food as well as play with the kids teaching them the game Red Rover.


Meeting Enlace

After naps and some down time we enjoyed a lunch in the hotel restaurant which is a covre patio with a hand made thatched roof. Ron Bueno spent time with us talking about the 16+ year history of Enlace and his story about how the ministry has been and where it is going. They are seeing huge growth in the number of churches wanting help reaching out into their communities. This year alone it's likely they will nearly double the number of churches they serve. We also met the church coach named Gershon that works with Good Samaritan Church and Pastor Miguel.

Travel to Las Delicias

We took a small tour bus to get to the villiage area that we are to be spending our time in this week. It sure beats riding in the back of a pick up truck which is very common here - even on the highways. A bunch of guys thought it looked fun so they grabed the young men and hopped into Herson's truck for the final leg of the very tight dirt road. Ernie, Jeff, Nick, and Andrew thought it was the best part of the day.

Meeting Pastor Miguel
Once we arrived at the Good Samaritan Church, Pastor Miguel shared his testimony with us and told stories of what God is doing in the local community. His story is one of incredible loss and suffering that shook the foundations of what he believed it meant to be a Christian. that he was to be a happy person all the time. Pastor Miguel's knows firsthand that isn't true and through his incredible faith and servant's heart he and his church are continuing to reach out to their community and to love their neighbor as themselves.


Hello from El Salvador!
We left LAX at midnight with much anticipation and no major problems. Somewhere over Central America, as we were approaching our destination God said a beautiful "Buenos Diaz" (good morning) to us in the form of a spectacular sunrise over the clouds.
After a few hours rest we are about to officially start our journey with lunch and a tour of the Enlace Ministry. The accomodations are quite comfortable and should provide a great place to share our day's experiences with one another.
Everyone seems especially excited about meeting their Compassion International Children. I know our family is!
Bye for now,
Steve, Gina, Alexis, and Nicholas Stary


The Crossing's El Salvador team of 25 have left for the airport. They will be in El Salvador for 9 days. Please keep them in prayer as they work on a water project in partnership with Enlace and El Bueno Smaritano Church helping to bring fresh water to a community in need.

Check back periodically as the team will be posting updates.

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