The past couple of days I have been tuned in more and more to what happens when people are willing to GO, whether it's THERE, HERE but ultimately EVERYWHERE.
Since our latest team got back from El Salvador (THERE) on Sunday night, it has been amazing to hear first hand stories about how God showed up in the midst of their willingness to GO (read previous seven blogs for stories and pictures). I listened as a first time traveler shared, with tears welling up in his eyes, his experience of meeting his sponsored child for the first time; I saw a heart that was learning to love in a greater way than ever before. I heard about the challenges they faced on this trip and was encouraged in how the team dealt with them, overcame them and grew as a result.
This weekend, HERE in our local community, I had the opportunity to serve a group of children who are considered part of the 20,000 homeless people here in Orange County. With my daughter's college soccer team, that's visiting from British Columbia, we met this great group of kids at the local motel they are curretly living in and walked them up the street to a local park. For the next several hours, I saw an amazing group of young ladies connect and play with these kids and others who were already at the park. I listened as one of them shared the good news about Jesus' love with all the children and was blown away when 9 people from our brief encounters at the park joined us at church on Sunday and loved every minute of it. These types of things happen almost every weekend HERE.
But really the point of all this GO stuff is that we learn to GO EVERYWHERE! As we GO, thinking more about God and others (The Great Command Matthew 22: 37-40), it forces us to put our selfish tendencies to the side and make space for God to show up as we serve others, and He does!!!!! I have seen this happen time and time again, THERE and HERE, but my prayer is that as people continue GOing, GOing becomes a natural inclination for them EVERYWHERE!!! That everytime they walk into their office, a local grocery store, restaurant, gym, school, or out into their neighborhood, they would prayerfully be thinking about how they could serve the people they interface with, share with them God's amazing love for them or even show them the kind of love He would if we allowed Him to live and work through us.
GO is not about HERE or THERE it is really about EVERYWHERE!!!!
Today half of the team went to visit sponsored children in two separate Compassion International projects. Those who went were all impacted in some way by the experience. While one part of the team visited the children sponsor, the other members took a day of R&R, starting with a trip to Enlace's offices, a visit to the San Salvador volcano, and ending with a shopping expedition.
Today we learned that the Compassion program in El Salvador has over 36,000 children being served in 160 Child Development centers across the country. To be accepted into the program, a family's combined must be no more than minimum wage, or about $210 a month. That's right--combined income. Some families we met today have no income, and are living off handouts from family members or friends. If you don't already know about this program, we encourage you to look into it, whether or not it is your intention to sponsor a child in poverty.
Let's let these pictures tell the rest of the story....
Today saw the completion of the work projects. The second pit was nearly finished but it turns out our friendship theme was ordained from before our arrival. The guys who worked on digging these pits had to exercise more than their muscles this week needing to interact with the local people more than ever. The men also completed about half of the digging needed for the septic tank at the new Compassion site on the church property.
A special opportunity was presented today with the help of the women's team. Yesterday during home visitations the women were approaching a house and the residents were asking them not to come in. Finally they were invited in and things became clear. Alma, the mother of four, confessed that her husband is an alcoholic and can't stop spending his entire paycheck on corn whiskey - all $4 of it. She asked us to pray for him when he finally appeared. Miguel, the father, confessed that he wanted to stop drinking and asked the women to pray for him, which they did. Next they invited him to come hear some testimonies and receive prayer from the men from our team. After some open sharing we asked him if he wanted to ask Jesus for help and to surrender his life to God. Miguel thought long and hard but finally, broken, he repeatedky said "Yes, I want him. Yes." The Holy Spirit was strong and our team enjoyed welcoming a new brother into the Kingdom. Pastor Miguel was present and offered the full support, love, and acceptance of his church. Finally, the entire family received an enormous lunch and ate until they were completely full. We all felt full - not just in our stomachs today.
The women's team rocked the community today! The fellowship enjoyed between our team and the women of the church was beautiful. They cooked and they laughed. At lunch time, all the teams met at the church and, along with the people of the community, had a food fair. Offerings ranged from pasta with home made spaghetti sauce to empanadas. Our team enjoyed treating all our friends from the community to hot lunch, treats, and local favorites. The purpose of the fair was to raise funds to complete the tile floor in the church. The final tally is yet to be known but as soon as we do we'll share it with you.
The youth team enjoyed an incredible harvest today with the at risk grades at the local school. The team spent lots of intentional prayer time last night and this morning really preparing our hearts to meet these kids where THEY are at - not to preach a message to them. We changed strategies and turned on the joy this morning, welcoming them in Spanish and creating an inviting atmosphere. Then, after an ice breaker game, we had a team member share his testimony about his life before Christ which included drugs, alcohol, and even jail time. The kids finally were relating to us! We then separated the girls from the boys and while the girls had small group time, the boys played an aggressive (and fun) game of futbol (soccer). The girls made some significant relationships and we even exchanged emails with several of them. All in all, the walls came crumbling down today and we made some new friends.
The youth team had a great day. The students from the two grades we worked with today were very responsive to the message and activities surrounding our friendship theme. The team needed a win and after today were refreshed and energized for tomorrow. Please keep the team in your prayers tomorrow as we will be working for the second time with two challenging grades. These classes are challenged with boys that are involved in the early stages of gang activity so we're all praying something in their hearts are touched to make a positive change in their life. Violence has been on the increase with gangs so it's a serious issues that they have to deal with. Even the most at risk kids understand that it's better to be in school than on the streets. So far, we've been told that we're making a positive impact on the students - let's pray tomorrow is no different.
The women are excited tonight after shopping for food they are going to prepare for the fundraiser tomorrow. The church needs additional funds to finish the tile floor project at the church and our team has decided to partner with them to get the money. More on that topic tomorrow along with the results!
Today we reunited with a little sweetheart named Emily. Emily was born blind but, as our team discovered last year, prayer works! Emily had someone pray over her (prior to our visit) and at her next doctor's appointment her mom was surprised to find that she could see!
However, we now have learned that Emily has tumors in her . She has also been fighting a fever for a long time. Our team covered her in prayers but we ask all who are willing to pray for this little girl. The power of God knows no geographical boundaries so let's intercede for one of His precious little ones.
Youth Team
During the small group time with the 6th grade girls, it was surprising to discover that they respect their parent's values over their friends in many ways. They actually were telling us that they wanted to be associated with good people and avoid being influenced by people with bad morals. We're also seeing that it takes some time culturally for the kids to open up. The boys seemed to have a different story going on. These young men were more subject to peer pressure. In contrast to the girls of the same age, these boys know some of their friends are bad influences (or they are bad influences on others) but somehow don't have the concern we might hope for them. Our youth team is regrouping to try even harder to reach the kids tomorrow and Thursday. We could really use any prayers you might be willing to offer. The team needs to make their plans and would like to have God's leading in this process.
Today the men were joined by some locals to help with the latrine digging. As you can see by the photo, the guys are making incredible progress! So far one latrine is about to be completed and the other is about half done. It's been a pretty amazing experience to come with the theme of friendship and to find out that only one person can dig in the hole at a time. The rest of the crew are making friends with the families waiting their turn! It's as if we planned it this way.
Women's Team
Women of The Good Samaritan Church raised money to put a tile floor into the church. They told our team an amazing story of raising the funds which would rival any capital campaign we'd see at home. The floor is yet unfinished because all the funds needed to complete the work were not available. They are short $300. Our team is hoping to partner later in the week with the local women to raise the funds needed to finish the floor. Our team is so excited to work within the context of the local economy.
During the visits that the women made to the local homes near the church a wonderful story of community development was shared. A man with a good heart wanted to bless the church so he donated high quality corn seed and fertilizer for some local farmers. One very poor family said that for the first time in several years, this crop will be able to yield enough corn to feed their family for 6 months! Even more impressive the church didn't just choose Christian families, they went to those in greatest need.
Men's Team
The men were fully expecting to make friends with the local men on the work project and were prepared to share snacks and coffee each day and a time of fellowship. However, the project has turned out slightly differently with the latrines being built directly on each families home site. The guys are responsible for digging pits that when complete will measure approximately 3ft x 4ft x 11ft deep! It's going to be an interesting project...
Kid's Team
This year's topic of Friendship was in full swing at the school when the team gave a message to the kids encouraging them to value true friendships. At the end we made friendship bracelets along with the kids - which was a huge hit.
Dr. Borgman continued to provide such a valuable service to this community through the practice of her profession. She performed cleanings as well as much needed tooth extractions.
Crossing Team at The Good Samaritan Church |
Miguelito (picture left) explained in detail what he went through after being falsely accused of a crime by one of his students. No only was he arrested but the family had to go through the ordeal of jail, ransom demands, and death threats that lasted over two months.
During the time that Miguelito was in jail the team from The Crossing had been actively praying for the Duran family and that justice would prevail in this situation and that Miguelito would return home quickly. The testimony we heard today confirmed that prayer indeed works! Miguelito described the despair he felt after being arrested and his first nights in jail. However, his spirits were lifted and supernatural protection was upon him after those first days. He gave us an emotional and heartful thank you for our support and prayers while we felt very connected to our relationship with this special family.
Tomorrow we'll be spending the afternoon with the Pastor Miguel and the Good Samaritan Church in a devotional service.
The flight was long and we tired but excited to be leaving for lunch with Pastor Miguel. Everyone is well and in good spirits! More to follow about our plans later tonight.