Great day today where we were all able to put our devotion into practice by learning what it means to "step out of the boat" like Peter did.  We spent the morning at the diocese seeing the economic projects that the Bishop and Eva have been working on.  We actually got to work with a crew to help finish off the piggery.   Just before we arrived they got their first 4 female pigs with the male arriving in the afternoon.

Later in the day we got to go visit the hospital that we have helped our partners develop here.  It is so coo to see the difference that has been made this last year.  There are now 2 doctors and a director in place.   The generator and housing will be in place shortly and the last big need is running water.   A plan is in place for the water so hopefully we can work with them to get that going.  We also found out that the diocese was able to purchase the land adjacent to the hospital so that is a huge answer to prayer.

Liz, Nicole and Kari were invited by Bishop to a "Give Away Ceremony"  which is a precursor to a wedding, where the future groom has to pay the dowry and the bride is given to the grooms family.  Is is a custom in Uganda and  formal yet fun type of event. They have some great stories to share when they get back and had us all laughing at our debrief tonight.

Terrilee spent most of the day with a woman from Australia preparing to do the 1st Sunday School training which is way more extensive than what we were expecting.  This is definitely a stepping out of the boat moment.  The team continues to amaze Terrilee with their heart and willingness to do whatever is needed.  Their support and encouragement of each other and their complete flexibility is impressive.  She can see God's hand every day in the way he has pulled these 9 people together.

Please pray for us tomorrow as we experience and share in church tomorrow and share do the Sunday School training time for leaders.   Thanks for reading!! and being in it with us.