Greetings from Uganda.  This is Kari Zamoya sharing and today was a big ministry day and we saw the Holy Spirit speaking and working through us today.  We drove 90 minutes to the Rift Valley and joined their church service.  At the beginning of the service I came to tears when I experienced church Uganda style with drums beating, hands clapping and joyful singing.  Halfway through the service four of us went outside with about 250 children to teach Sunday school!  While we were with the kids, Keri shared from Psalms 121 and gave a short message about how we are all the same.  Then Matt came up and shared his testimony.  Both of them knocked it out of the park!  At the end of the time the kids all came back into church and we got to see how this little church did offerings.  We got to witness sugar cane stalks huge jack fruit, rice and eggs brought up during the offering time.  Not everyone had money so they gave what they have.

After church some of us went to visit a 17 year old young man who has been taking care of his two younger siblings since he was 9 years old when both of his parents died.  The rest of us stayed at the church to train the Sunday school teachers.  There were last minute changes to training, but God was faithful again and the time was very helpful for attendees.  We have had a good amount of heavy rain the last two days , but God's hand of protection is on us.

In Christ, for the Uganda team,

Kari Zamoya